Wednesday, August 30, 2006

California to Cap Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Front Page New York Times (

California is set to become the first state to impose limits!

So where is Bloomington and Minnesota?? There are 291 Mayors that have signed on to the Mayors Climate Protection Agreement institutd by Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels. Minneapolis, St Paul, Rochester but not Bloomington. Why is that?

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Code of Conduct

Does anyone know where the Code of Conduct and Ethics rules are for city staff and council. I searched through city web site but was unable to find them.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Normandale Lake Study Area

I receivd a letter from City of Bloomington about a public open house and a formal presentation on Sept. 7, 2006 at City Hall. There is a public open house from 6-7pm followed by formal presentation at 7pm in council chambers. What I find distressing is the note that states: "No public comments or testimony will be taken at this informational presentation. Comment cards will be available to offer feedback following the presentation." I realize there were some some open houses already to present it to neighborhoods.
The letter indicates the next step is an overview of the preliminary design concepts at the upcoming study meeting of City Council(letter does not indicate but believe that is the 28 Aug meeting).
At the Sept 7th meeting at 7pm(council chambers)SRF (consultant) will formall present to a joint meeting of: Planning Commission, Transportation and Traffic Advisory Commission (TTAC) and the Park, Arts and Recreatiion Commission (PARC).

To me it gets back to who is runing the city? I feel it is being forced down our throats and gets so far down the road that impossible to change. I am not aware of any citizen or enviromental groups that have been, or are involved, with the process.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Community Discussion List created

A Google Groups Discussion list has also been created to allow people discussion of Sustainibility. As neighbors lets discuss the topic and all learn from one another over the Internet fence since we can't do it over our backyard fence.




Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Who we elect matters!!

One resource of many for information about who to elect is from the Sierra Club. They have infomation online and the following was excerpted from their website. The appropriate URL's are included. Please learn more about who you are casting YOUR important vote for in the upcoming elections.

Elections 2006

The people we elect to public office play a critical role in protecting our air, water and lands. That's why over the coming months the North Star Chapter will be very active in reaching out to Minnesotans about the importance of the 2006 elections. Get the facts, learn about what we're doing, and find out how to help by visiting our Elections 2006 page.


Monday, August 21, 2006

Who runs the city?

An article in the Minneapolis Star Tribune on Monday August 21, 2006 was listed as- Hot Property - Bloomington Central Station. It quotes the McGough project manager as saying: " will change how Minnesotans live, work, connect and play in the 21st century" It is for condominiums, office and retail for the $700 million project.
Why does it seem like in the over 20 years that I have lived in the city developers seem to run Bloomington. In the NW quadrant we have been fighting development since probably the mid 80's. Sometimes it seems being a voter does not matter. Do the people run the city or the developers?

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Strategic Planning Meeting coming

Strategic Planning - Imagine Bloomington 2025
Imagine 2025

To plan for the City's future, the City Council, Housing and Redevelopment Authority and Port Authority are preparing a Strategic Plan. The plan will define the City's strategy for development, redevelopment, City services, infrastructure, and fiscal strength and stability for the next 20 years. The strategic planning process can be defined as "The process of determining a city's long term goals and identifying the best approach for those goals." A timeline has been set for the planning process.

Strategic Partners

An official strategic planning visioning meeting was held on June 21, 2006. The City Council, HRA, Port Authority, and Strategic Partners were in attendance and are responsible for developing a preliminary vision for the community. Strategic Partners include:

* Bloomington Athletic Association
* Bloomington Chamber of Commerce
* Bloomington Convention and Visitors Bureau
* Bloomington Fine Arts Council
* Bloomington Historical Society
* Bloomington Public Schools
* Bloomington Rotary
* Bridging
* Cornerstone Group
* Normandale Community College
* Northwest Health Sciences University
* Volunteers Enlisted to Assisted People (VEAP)

The group will meet again in late August to develop the preliminary vision that will be presented to the community in a series of town hall and focus group meetings.


Strategic Planning meetings

Civic Plaza entrance

A series of town hall and focus group meetings will be held in late
September 2006 and early October. Residents, employers, and people who work
in the City are encouraged to attend in order to refine and revise the
preliminary vision. Since the vision will provide the foundation for
developing strategic initiatives and action plans. Participation in town
meetings is very important.

In addition to the town meetings, the City intends to hold focus groups
to enhance participation by people whose input is very important for the
success of Imagine Bloomington 2025. These groups include seniors,
ethnic and racial minorities, youth, and hospitality industry employees
and employers. Focus groups will be held in September and October.

Town hall meetings:


September 19, 2006
Council District I
6:30-8:30 P.M. Oak Grove Middle School
1300 West 106th Street

September 26, 2006

Council District II
6:30-8:30 P.M. Olson Middle School
4551 West 102nd Street

October 5, 2006
Council District III
6:30-8:30 P.M.
Northwestern Health Sciences University
2501 West 84th Street

October 12, 2006
Council District IV
6:30-8:30 P.M.
Valley View Middle School
8900 Portland Avenue S

Letter to Editor of Bloomington Sun Current

To start this Blog I thought I would begin with the following letter to the editor that I sent to the Bloomington (MN) Sun Current newspaper and was published on August 10, 2006.

The hope is to raise people's awareness and create a dialog of the issues facing Bloomington, Minnesota as we move forward.

Please enjoy and encourage your participation. As Margaret Mead said "We never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has."

Copy of Letter to the Editor follows:

As I was sitting here roasting in the heat on July 28 (2006) I was wondering if Bloomington had signed on to the U.S. Mayor's Climate Protection Agreement. After researching it, I disturbingly find that Bloomington is not on the list.

I find Apple Valley, Duluth, Eden Prairie, Minneapolis and St. Paul but no Bloomington.

Under the agreement, participating cities commit to take following three actions:

- Strive to meet or beat the Kyoto Protocol targets in their own communities, through actions ranging from anti-sprawl land-use policies to urban forest restoration projects to public information campaigns.

- Urge their state governments, and the federal government, to enact policies and programs to meet or beat the greenhouse gas emission reduction target suggested for the U.S. in the Kyoto Protocol - a 7 percent reduction from 1990 levels by 2012.

- Urge the U.S. Congress to pass the bipartisan greenhouse gas reduction legislation, which would establish a national emission trading system.

I have asked my City Council representatives why we have not signed on to this agreement as many of our neighboring communities have already.

We have to start action now if we have any hope to slow what is happening to our world. I have always considered Bloomington a forward-thinking community, but we certainly are not in this case. I would certainly encourage others to call or write their government officials to demand immediate action.


Terry Houle
Bloomington, Minnesota