Saturday, August 26, 2006

Normandale Lake Study Area

I receivd a letter from City of Bloomington about a public open house and a formal presentation on Sept. 7, 2006 at City Hall. There is a public open house from 6-7pm followed by formal presentation at 7pm in council chambers. What I find distressing is the note that states: "No public comments or testimony will be taken at this informational presentation. Comment cards will be available to offer feedback following the presentation." I realize there were some some open houses already to present it to neighborhoods.
The letter indicates the next step is an overview of the preliminary design concepts at the upcoming study meeting of City Council(letter does not indicate but believe that is the 28 Aug meeting).
At the Sept 7th meeting at 7pm(council chambers)SRF (consultant) will formall present to a joint meeting of: Planning Commission, Transportation and Traffic Advisory Commission (TTAC) and the Park, Arts and Recreatiion Commission (PARC).

To me it gets back to who is runing the city? I feel it is being forced down our throats and gets so far down the road that impossible to change. I am not aware of any citizen or enviromental groups that have been, or are involved, with the process.


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